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UXscoops | Typography Basics
Baseline: The line where the letters sit.
Cap height: The distance from the baseline to the top of the capital letter.
X-height: Located in between the baseline and the cap height, it's the height of the body of the lowercase letter.
Bowl: The curved part of the character that encloses the circular or curved parts of some letters, like 'd,' 'b,' 'o,' 'D,' and 'B.'
Serif: The slight projection finishing off a stroke of a letter in certain typefaces.
Descender: The longest point on a letter that falls beyond the baseline.
Kerning: the modification of the space between two letters.
Leading: the distance between the baselines
1. Baseline
2. Cap height
3. X-height
4. Bowl
5. Serif
6. Descender
7. Kerning
8. Leading
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